I am trying to create a drill down in Zeppelin on some data. Taking the
bank data in the example I have this paragraph:

select concat('%html <a>',job,'</a>'),
sum(balance),avg(balance) from bank
group by job order by job

Which displays the data I want. But was trying to get the next paragraph to
update when I click on each of the links - say retired:

select marital, sum(balance) from bank where job='${type=sevices}'
group by marital

i.e. I wanted the variable type be updated and then the paragraph run when
someone clicks on each link in the previous paragraph.

I can see if I use %angular I should be able to do this. But that does not
work in the cell of a table. And cannot get the <a> tag to work - tried a
few on-click etc...

Is this possible?  Guess other approach would be to not return a table but
an %angular and do all the formatting with <table> in that?

Any tips or clues would be helpful.


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