Wow, we just setup ldaps today, good timing.

First we got everything worked with just ldap (not secure). Then all we had to 
do was generate keys for the latest version of java we had installed:

openssl s_client -connect < /dev/null | sed 
-ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p' > public.crt

/usr/java/latest/bin/keytool -import -alias 
-keystore /usr/java/latest/jre/lib/security/cacerts -file ./public.crt

And then everything worked fine. I definitely didn’t touch zeppelin-site.xml.

Here is our shiro.ini in case that helps. It is possible that we set up some 
additional conf elsewhere that would be relevant but I’m having trouble 
thinking of anything.

[users] [main] [users] [main] #activeDirectoryRealm = 
org.apache.zeppelin.server.ActiveDirectoryGroupRealm activeDirectoryRealm = 
activeDirectoryRealm.systemUsername = our username 
activeDirectoryRealm.systemPassword = our password 
activeDirectoryRealm.searchBase = 
OU=Departments,OU=PlaceIQ,DC=corp,DC=placeiq,DC=net activeDirectoryRealm.url = 
ldaps:// activeDirectoryRealm.groupRolesMap = "CN=Security 
Data Science Department,OU=Department Security Groups,OU=Security 
Groups,OU=PlaceIQ,DC=corp,DC=placeiq,DC=net":"data_science", "CN=Security 
Development Department,OU=Department Security Groups,OU=Security 
Groups,OU=PlaceIQ,DC=corp,DC=placeiq,DC=net":"engineering", "CN=Security 
Infrastructure Department,OU=Department Security Groups,OU=Security 
Groups,OU=PlaceIQ,DC=corp,DC=placeiq,DC=net":"infra", "CN=Security Research & 
Development Department,OU=Department Security Groups,OU=Security 
Groups,OU=PlaceIQ,DC=corp,DC=placeiq,DC=net":"tech_heads", "CN=Security 
Reporting & Analytics Department,OU=Department Security Groups,OU=Security 
Groups,OU=PlaceIQ,DC=corp,DC=placeiq,DC=net":"reporting", "CN=Security Product 
Department,OU=Department Security Groups,OU=Security 
Groups,OU=PlaceIQ,DC=corp,DC=placeiq,DC=net":"product", "CN=Security Data 
Operations Department,OU=Department Security Groups,OU=Security 
activeDirectoryRealm.authorizationCachingEnabled = true 
activeDirectoryRealm.principalSuffix = sessionManager = 
securityManager.sessionManager = $sessionManager 
securityManager.sessionManager.globalSessionTimeout = 86400000 shiro.loginUrl = 
/api/login securityManager.realm = $activeDirectoryRealm [roles] data_science = 
data_science engineering = engineering infra = infra tech_heads = tech_heads 
reporting = reporting [urls] /api/version = anon /api/interpreter/** = 
roles[engineering],roles[infra],roles[tech_heads],roles[data_science] #/** = 
anon /** = authc

Paul Brenner


(217) 390-3033

On Tue, Apr 18, 2017 at 3:13 PM Knapp Michael

mailto:Knapp Michael <>
> wrote:

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I have been struggling for weeks to get LDAP to work in Zeppelin now.  
Unfortunately for me, I cannot use websockets unless also using LDAP for 
authentication.  So if I use the anonymous user, I just get a blank home page.  
Zeppelin leaves no configuration option to disable web sockets.  My company has 
their own cert authority, which I have added to my trust store.


When I try logging in to Zeppelin using my LDAP, I get 
“SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to 
requested target”.  I have attached the full stack trace.  Note that I am using 
ldaps over 636.  Basically it’s like saying that my trust store does not 
identify my LDAP server as a trusted web server.  I am certain that my JKS file 
is configured right, I have had a co-worker double check it for me. 


To troubleshoot, we did:

Export JAVA_OPTS=’’


Now we are seeing all of the SSL verbose logs in the zeppelin--…..out file. 


I was surprised to see this:


keyStore is : 

keyStore type is : jks

keyStore provider is : 

init keystore

init keymanager of type SunX509

trustStore is: /application/jdk1.8.0_101/jre/lib/security/cacerts

trustStore type is : jks

trustStore provider is : 

init truststore



So it looks like the application is not truly using the trust store I have 
configured. I have this in my zeppelin-site.xml:





        <description>Path to truststore relative to Zeppelin configuration 
directory. Defaults to the keystore path</description>



It seems to me like the key and trust store are not getting used to connect to 
the LDAP server.


Other factors:



I am using a corporate proxy



I have dockerized Zeppelin


Unrelated comments:



Every time I want to test a change in Zeppelin, the NPMInstaller wastes a 
minute of my life trying to download some files.  It fails every time, and it 
prints a stack trace in my logs every time.  I would like to disable it, but I 
looked through your code, there is no way to do it.  Your code also does not 
provide any opportunity to configure a proxy, so there is no chance this would 
work for me.  I am even thinking of making a pull request to fix this, it’s 
quite annoying.  I don’t know why the authors assume that other people are ok 
with this pattern.



I am also getting an exception in the logs stating: No operation matching 
request path "/api/login;JSESSIONID=92e79cbe-9113-473d-b76a-165666c3f221" is 
found.  Is this a bug in Zeppelin?



Does anybody know why this is not working?  Or how I can fix it? 


Michael Knapp

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