Hi, all!

Regarding improving documentation page, a PR was submitted.

- https://github.com/apache/zeppelin/pull/2371

Any feedback or advice will be appreciated.


On Thu, May 25, 2017 at 6:44 PM, Park Hoon <1am...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi, All! Thanks for your opinion.
> I think we can search in stackoverflow as well using tags.
> - `apache-zeppelin`: 555 questions
> - `apache-zeppelin` + `spark`: 264
> - `apache-zeppelin` + `python`: 28
> - `apache-zeppelin` + `hive`: 20
> - `apache-zeppelin` + `cassandra`: 11
> - `apache-zeppelin` + `jdbc`: 6
> - `apache-zeppelin` + `sql`: 3
> - `apache-zeppelin` + `elasticsearch`: 3
> There are not tagged questions and SO might not reflect all usage.
> Thanks. :)
> On Thu, May 25, 2017 at 6:29 PM, moon soo Lee <m...@apache.org> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I just counted number of issues in Zeppelin JIRA, with text
>> Spark / Livy - 841 / 117
>> JDBC / SQL - 195 / 252
>> Python - 234
>> Shell - 169
>> Markdown - 90
>> Cassandra - 83
>> Theses numbers reflect community activity on each interpreter. Although
>> they are not exactly usage, i think it is still meaningful data in this
>> discussions.
>> Thanks,
>> moon
>> On Thu, May 25, 2017 at 6:00 PM Paul-Armand Verhaegen <
>> paularmand.verhae...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> +1 for not starting that war without data on usage.
>>> P
>>> On 25 May 2017, at 10:56, Partridge, Lucas (GE Aviation) <
>>> lucas.partri...@ge.com> wrote:
>>> Some great ideas here.
>>> I’m just a bit concerned about the most popular interpreters being
>>> listed as Spark, JDBC and Python. Is that based on real usage data for the
>>> different interpreters; if such data is available?  I’ve never knowingly
>>> used the JDBC interpreter, and the team of data scientists I work with
>>> mostly use the Python, SQL, Spark and Shell interpreters. But this will
>>> probably vary between teams and I don’t want to start a ‘my favourite 3
>>> interpreters’ war!  If you’re trying to appeal to the Data Scientist
>>> community, assuming that’s the main type of user, we should think of the
>>> interpreters that appeal most to them.
>>> Thanks, Lucas.
>>> *From:* Sora Lee [mailto:sora0...@zepl.com <sora0...@zepl.com>]
>>> *Sent:* 25 May 2017 03:53
>>> *To:* users@zeppelin.apache.org
>>> *Subject:* EXT: Re: Updating the official homepage
>>> +1 Nice design!
>>> And I also would like to suggest two ideas.
>>> 1. Adding 'Quick Interpreters Links' to documentations (
>>> http://zeppelin.apache.org/).
>>> for example, I attached the following screenshots about Cloudera web
>>> site.
>>> <image001.png>       <image002.png>
>>> 2. Adding left menu documentation structure such as TensorFlow and
>>> Docker web site.
>>> I think this structure is more comfortable user point of view searching
>>> documentation.
>>> <image003.png>
>>> - Docker
>>> <image004.png>​
>>> What do you think of that?
>>> If that is okay, I'll make a rough design like Hoon!
>>> And also any suggestion or advice will be appreciated.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Sora
>>> 2017-05-25 11:21 GMT+09:00 Park Hoon <1am...@gmail.com>:
>>> Hi, All! Thanks for replying!
>>> I created a JIRA ticket for updating official homepage
>>> (https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ZEPPELIN-2583?jql=pro
>>> ject%20%3D%20ZEPPELIN)
>>> Also, I attached a rough design in this email and There are few details
>>> and backgrounds for the change.
>>> *1. Main Page (zeppelin.apache.com <http://zeppelin.apache.com/>):
>>> Header*
>>> ## Before
>>> <image005.png>
>>> ## After
>>> <image006.png>
>>> ## Details
>>> - Add `Quick Start` menu: which can be helpful for beginner
>>> - Remove `Github` menu: everyone can search GitHub.com/zeppelin
>>> <http://github.com/zeppelin> in google.
>>> - `Community` menu was moved to before `Apache` menu. That’s
>>> because It’s not the most important menu.
>>> *2. Main Page (zeppelin.apache.com <http://zeppelin.apache.com/>):
>>> Section 1*
>>> ## Before
>>> <image007.png>
>>> ## After
>>> <image008.png>
>>> ## Details
>>> *The used texts are just coped from somewhere, and design can be
>>> improved. So please focus on the structure of the page, not the text.*
>>> - Remove the large `Apache Zeppelin` text. There is no reason to keep
>>> it. Everyone knows this is Zeppelin web site.
>>> - Replace the outdated `TUTORIAL VIDEO` button to `GET STARTED` button
>>> to help new comers.
>>> *3. Main Page (zeppelin.apache.com <http://zeppelin.apache.com/>):
>>> Section 2*
>>> ## Before
>>> <image009.png>
>>> ## After
>>> <image010.png>
>>> ## Details
>>> *The used texts are just coped from somewhere, and design can be
>>> improved. So please focus on the structure of the page, not the text.*
>>> - This is a new section will be located top on (previous) the *new
>>> feature* section.
>>> - `Spark`, `JDBC` and `Python` are the most important interpreters in
>>> Zeppelin and they are what the beginners want to use at first.
>>> - depending on the type of users, they have different interests.
>>> So  `User / Admin / Contributor` menus will helpful for each group. See the
>>> documentation page screenshot for detail.
>>> *4. Documentation Page (http://zeppelin.apache.org/docs/version/
>>> <http://zeppelin.apache.org/docs/0.8.0-SNAPSHOT/>): Header*
>>> ## Before
>>> <image011.png>
>>> ## After
>>> <image012.png>
>>> ## Details
>>> - Add `User`, `Admin` menus: - menus are now organized based on user
>>> types.
>>> - Remove `Display System` menu. It can be located under `User`
>>> *5. Documentation Page (http://zeppelin.apache.org/docs/version/
>>> <http://zeppelin.apache.org/docs/0.8.0-SNAPSHOT/>): Content*
>>> ## Before
>>> <image013.png>
>>> ## After
>>> <image014.png>
>>> ## Details
>>> - Removed duplicated information which already introduced on the main
>>> page. For example spark section, open source section, pivot, built-in
>>> visualizations. *We have to make user see the documentation which is
>>> really important instead of listing features. *
>>> *6. Documentation Page (http://zeppelin.apache.org/docs/version/
>>> <http://zeppelin.apache.org/docs/0.8.0-SNAPSHOT/>): Header Details*
>>> ## Before
>>> <image015.png>
>>> ## After
>>> <image016.png>
>>> <image017.png>
>>> <image018.png>
>>> <image019.png>
>>> <image020.png>
>>> ## Details
>>> - The style is changed a little bit for readability.
>>> - the Interpreter tab shows the most important interpreters first:
>>> Spark, JDBC, Python.
>>> Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
>>> Thanks.

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