Hi guys,
this is great! I think this can also enable some drop-down feature between
tables in the UI...
Do you think this enhancements can also include the graph part?


Il giorno lun 12 giu 2017 alle ore 05:47 Jun Kim <i2r....@gmail.com> ha

> All of the enhancements looks great to me!
> And I wish a feature which can upload a small CSV file (maybe about
> 20MB..?) and play with it directly.
> It would be great if I can drag a file to Zeppelin and register it as the
> table.
> Thanks :)
> 2017년 6월 12일 (월) 오전 11:40, Park Hoon <1am...@gmail.com>님이 작성:
>> Hi All,
>> Recently, ZEPPELIN-753
>> <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ZEPPELIN-753> (Tabledata
>> abstraction) and ZEPPELIN-2020
>> <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ZEPPELIN-2020> (Remote method
>> invocation for resources) were resolved.
>> Based on this work, we can improve Zeppelin with the following
>> enhancements:
>> * register the table result as a shared resource
>> * list all available (registered) tables
>> * preview tables including its meta information (e.g columns, types, ..)
>> * download registered tables as CSV, and other formats.
>> * pivoting/filtering in backend to transforming larger data
>> * cross join tables in different interpreters (e.g Spark interpreter uses
>> a table result generated from JDBC interpreter)
>> You can find the full proposal in Extending Table Data API
>> <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/ZEPPELIN/Proposal%3A+Extending+TableData+API>
>>  which
>> is contributed by @1ambda, @khalidhuseynov, @Leemoonsoo.
>> Any question, feedback or discussion will be welcomed.
>> Thanks.
> --
> Taejun Kim
> Data Mining Lab.
> School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
> University of Seoul

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