Thanks for your response Arpit.
As per my understanding, only SparkContext is created. We have to create
the StreamingContext. The example that I am following is for Zeppelin where
StreamingContext is being created.

Now my problem is, I am getting a socket error while running my streaming
example. And I have to restart the interpreter every time I need to re-run
which is quite annoying. Hence I want to know graceful way so that I can
run the example multiple times without need for restarting the interpreter.

Even calling in this manner is not helping:
ssc.stop(stopSparkContext=false, stopGracefully=true)


On Wed, Jul 5, 2017 at 10:56 AM, arpit tak <> wrote:

> Hi Nikhil,
> First, Spark context and streaming context already defined in zeppelin
> when you write code , you don’t need to initialize it again as we generally
> do in writing normal spark code.
> Second,  you just need to start ssc.start() once and if your next
> paragraph is linked to first note then no need to call stop() you can do
> that at then end of last paragraph/note.
> Third,  in case your note are independent of each other then at a time you
> can run only one of them .
> Hope this helps.
> On Jul 5, 2017, at 10:49 AM, Nikhil Utane <>
> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying streaming with Zeppelin using the example given here:
> <>
> But not able to get it to work.
> I have configured Spark interpreter with a master (spark://dk1:7077).
> a) The first time it ran, the paragraph was in running state but it wasn't
> displaying any output (sent using nc command).
> Upon restarting it started giving error:
> java.lang.IllegalStateException: Only one StreamingContext may be started
> in this JVM. Currently running StreamingContext was started
> atorg.apache.spark.streaming.StreamingContext.start(
> StreamingContext.scala:569)
> I realized that I only have ssc.start() and there is no call to stop(). So
> in another paragraph I tried calling ssc.stop() before re-running my main
> paragraph but it is still not helping.
> My question is, what is the right way to start/stop streaming app so that
> we can run it multiple times back to back?
> Is my expectation that I should be seeing output in the same window
> correct?
> Pls let me know if any more info is needed.
> -Thanks
> Nikhil

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