Hi Micheal,

have you tried to run `./dev/change_scala_version.sh 2.11` and add
`-Pscala-2.11` profile to mvn command?

When you build Zeppelin, maven doesn't use the scala version that is
pre-installed on your machine,
but it downloads scala version that is specified in active profile.
You will need to add `-Pscala-2.11` in mvn command to activate scala 2.11
since we use scala-2.10 by default.

You can find build command examples in Zeppelin website [1], hope this



On Tue, Oct 17, 2017 at 1:40 AM Michael Segel <msegel_had...@hotmail.com>

> Hi,
> I’m trying to build 0.7.3 release of zeppeling on a Centos 7 box.
> I have /opt/scala and /opt/spark  setup and their bin directories in my
> path.
> (scala 2.11.11 and spark 2.1.1)
> I’m trying to build a basic release  ‘mvn clean package -DskipTests’  to
> start…
> I’m running in to the following error:
> /opt/zeppelin-0.7.3/zeppelin-display/src/main/scala/org/apache/zeppelin/display/angular/AbstractAngularElem.scala:25:
> error: object xml is not a member of package scala
> [INFO] import scala.xml._
> [INFO]              ^
> This occurs when trying to build the GUI.
> Any suggestions?
> Thx
> -Mike

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