I added artifact as *"ultimate-line-chart:0.0.1"*  and it worked for line

Now I am trying to add heatmap chart and added artifact as  "
*"ultimate-heatmap-chart:0.0.1" *but getting the following error while
enabling the chart.

Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module
'zeppelin-tabledata/advanced-transformation' in
resolve module zeppelin-tabledata/advanced-transformation in
looking for modules in
resolve 'file' or 'directory' advanced-transformation in
resolve file
doesn't exist
doesn't exist
doesn't exist
doesn't exist
doesn't exist
resolve directory
doesn't exist (directory default file)
doesn't exist (directory description file)
@ ./~/ultimate-heatmap-chart/index.js 13:30-83

On Thu, Oct 19, 2017 at 2:17 PM, Thomas Bünger <thom.bu...@googlemail.com>

> Hey,
> Usually, the package's json file (ultimate-line-chart.json) has to use the
> artefact's full, absolute path. Make sure that "artifact" is pointing to
> the right location where npm installed the package.
> 2017-10-19 9:24 GMT+02:00 Indtiny S <indt...@gmail.com>:
>> Hi,
>> I tried to add the helium packages to extend the support of zeppelin vis
>> to added it , I went to the path ZeppelinHome/local-repo/vis/no
>> de_modules/zeppelin-vis
>> and installed npm install ultimate-line-chart .
>> and copied the ultimate-line-chart.jsom under ZeppelinHome/helium folder
>> then went to home page and enabled that chart(like in the attached
>> helium.png)
>> then wrote some query and tried to see that graph option but this line
>> chart was not shown , it was showing only attached charts (page.png)
>> I did restart and refresh of zeppelin but still added line chart graph
>> was not showing .
>> What could be problem ?
>> I tried on zeppelin version 0.7.3

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