I'm using Zeppelin 0.7.3 against a local standalone Spark 'cluster'. I've added 
a Scala jar dependency to my Spark interpreter using Zeppelin's UI. I thought 
if I changed my Scala code and updated the jar (using sbt outside of Zeppelin) 
then all I'd have to do is restart the interpreter for the new code to be 
picked up in Zeppelin in a regular scala paragraph.  However restarting the 
interpreter appears to have no effect - the new code is not detected. Is that 
expected behaviour or a bug?

The workaround I'm using at the moment is to edit the spark interpreter, remove 
the jar, re-add it, save the changes and then restart the interpreter. Clumsy 
but that's better than restarting Zeppelin altogether.

Also, if anyone knows of a better way to reload code without restarting the 
interpreter then I'm open to suggestions:). Having to re-run lots of paragraphs 
after a restart is pretty tedious.

Thanks, Lucas.

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