
 I have a zeppelin notebook that I would like to be exposed as a REST
service to multiple users.
A user can request multiple times the results from the REST service backed
by zeppelin.

I would like the calls to service to be asynchronous and to use the async


The calls are performed from a web browser. The results from the service
are put in a kafka topic and sent back to the client via web socket.

The flow is like this:
 User (web browser)->Zeppelin REST job (use Spark interpreter)->Kafka
topic->Socket.io(kafka web socket plugin)->Web browser

Due to the fact that the mentioned REST API doesn't provide the job id:
- how can I successfully return back  the results to the client requester?
-how can I implement such a described workflow?
-how can I distinguish between client requests?

I look forward for your answers.

Best regards,

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