I am testing zeppelin in docker container by using the official image:

I notice that the Dockfile above is using "bin/zeppelin.sh" to start
zeppelin, instead of "bin/zeppelin-daemon start".

I am not clear on the difference between the two scripts. So I did some

What I did:
* remove ENTRYPOINT and CMD from Dockfile
* build and run the container
* Inside the container terminal, use "bin/zeppelin-daemon.sh start" to
start Zeppelin

The problem I met:
* Zeppelin can be launched
* However, when executing "spark.version" in notebook, Zeppelin hangs
* http://localhost:8080/#/interpreter does not show anything

If I stop the daemon and use "bin/zeppelin.sh" to start Zeppelin,
everything works as expected.

Further investigation shows that the two scripts seem to run the same
command, except "bin/zeppelin-daemon start" using "nohup nice" to run the
command in the background. So I tried to run "nohup nice bin/zeppelin.sh",
unsurprisingly, the problem mentioned above appears again.

Once I bring the process to the foreground, the frozen page works again!

Could anyone explain what has happened? I  am so confused about this. It
might be related to the way background process works in the docker
container. I am new to docker and Zeppelin.
Any help is highly appreciated.

Thank you.

Hao Ren

Software Engineer in Machine Learning @ Criteo

Paris, France

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