
I am trying to get Flink 1.7 to work with Zeppelin 0.8 from docker
containers. Using docker-compose, the jobmanager, taskmanager, and zeppelin
are all running in their own containers. Zeppelin's Flink integration has
be configured to point at the jobmanager container (same hostname of
jobmanager) for sending Flink requests. When Zeppelin run the Flink
integration, the following error appears in the jobmanager logs:

dropping message [class akka.actor.ActorSelectionMessage] for non-local
recipient [Actor[akka.tcp://flink@]] arriving at
[akka.tcp://flink@] inbound addresses are

This seems like Akka wants the hostname (Jobmanager) for the request but
looks like that is getting translated to the IP when Zeppelin sends it

 Is it possible to get this time of docker setup working?


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