import vegas._
import vegas.render.WindowRenderer._

implicit val render = vegas.render.ShowHTML(s => print("%html " + s))

val plot = Vegas("Country Pop", width=200,height=200).
  //config(background = "orange").
      Map("country" -> "USA", "population" -> 314),
      Map("country" -> "UK", "population" -> 64),
      Map("country" -> "DK", "population" -> 80)
  encodeX("country", Nom).
  encodeY("population", Quant).


From: Jeff Zhang [mailto:zjf...@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 2, 2019 10:23
To: users
Subject: Re: Vega-lite / vegas in Zeppelin

Can you show me your sample code ?

<stephane.d...@orange.com<mailto:stephane.d...@orange.com>> 于2019年5月2日周四 
Hello Jeff,

Thanks for your answer. Actually, I’m at a very basic test level right now. It 
seems to work, but I meet an annoying side effect: I get the plot correctly 
displayed, but I also get a dump of my object in text format:


But if I hide the output of course I don’t see the graph.


From: Jeff Zhang [mailto:zjf...@gmail.com<mailto:zjf...@gmail.com>]
Sent: Thursday, May 2, 2019 09:35
To: users
Subject: Re: Vega-lite / vegas in Zeppelin

Hi Stéphane,

Thanks for your interest on Zeppelin. Zeppelin support ipython natively from 
0.8, so ideally all the python visualization library that works in jupyter 
should also work in zeppelin. I tried vega-lite in zeppelin before, but just 
some basic usage, let me know if you meet any issues


<stephane.d...@orange.com<mailto:stephane.d...@orange.com>> 于2019年5月2日周四 
Hello all,

I’m starting to play with Zeppelin, this tool really looks great. I’m 
interested in the different visualizations that can be used in Zeppelin, and 
found that in addition of builtin ones and Helium ones it’s also possible to 
embed some Vega-lite (https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/) ones thanks to the 
Vegas project (https://github.com/vegas-viz/Vegas). I’ve been able to make some 
really basics things with it, but I haven’t found a lot of documentation or 
discussions around it. So, I was wondering if some of you use it, and if it 
really worth to spend some time on this.

Thanks for your feedback,



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Thank you.

Best Regards

Jeff Zhang


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Thank you.

Best Regards

Jeff Zhang


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