Hi all,

Just wanted to follow up on this question. Any information on how Zeppelin
authentication can be customized beyond providing shiro with a custom
GroupRealm implementation would be appreciated.

Bradley Barber

On Fri, Nov 29, 2019 at 11:02 AM Bradley Barber <bbar...@phemi.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm trying to have Zeppelin authenticate against a server application
> which delegates tokens to authenticated users to be used for future calls
> after login. What I'm trying to achieve is that Zeppelin would make a call
> to this server to retrieve this a token then make this token
> available within notebook paragraphs to be used by a client library to make
> calls back to the server for data loading. Currently, I have the token
> being retrieved by a custom GroupRealm implementation which can be plugged
> into shiro. So far, so good. But what I'm having difficulty with is making
> this token available within the notebook paragraph, once the user logs in,
> since Zeppelin seem to only use it's SecurityUtils class to communicate
> with shiro and the methods in this class are quite limiting. Of course, I
> can make source code changes to Zeppelin to achieve this, but this is not
> very desirable from a maintenance perspective. Is there a better, more
> pluggable way of customising Zeppelin authentication which I am missing?
> Thanks for any information/suggestions you can provide,
> Bradley Barber

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