I have tried some permutations, and one of them ended up working fine, so
shiro-remote-user appears to be perfectly OK, thanks.

(Still no idea what is wrong in my original setup, but it involved two
proxies, and a load balancer, and one of them must
be messing up some part of protocol)

On Fri, Feb 12, 2021 at 10:46 PM Vladimir Prus <vladimir.p...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> that seems exactly what I was looking for. I gave it a try, and got
> half-way through:
> - Zeppelin shows the username I set in header, and websocket is connected,
> and I can use menu with no issues
> - The main content is however empty - I see no list of notebooks at all.
> Looks at websocket messages, I see LIST_NOTES that returns
>   empty list of notes. I have verified that if I revert shiro.ini to my
> previous version (which uses ldap), the list of notebooks is present.
> Does this point to some obvious misconfiguration on my side?
> On Fri, Feb 12, 2021 at 3:12 AM moon soo Lee <m...@apache.org> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I haven't tried it personally, but this repository might help
>> https://github.com/leighklotz/shiro-remote-user
>> Thanks,
>> moon
>> On Tue, Feb 9, 2021 at 3:25 AM Vladimir Prus <vladimir.p...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I would like to run Zeppelin behind authenticating proxy, so that:
>>> - The proxy handles all authentication, including setting a cookie to
>>> remember the user
>>> - It passes a username header to Zeppelin
>>> - Zeppelin takes that username header and trusts it - it should show the
>>> user as
>>> authorized and use that username when starting interpreter or evaluating
>>> notebook
>>> permissions
>>> While the documentation mentions how to setup nginx as proxy, I can't
>>> find any information about the second part - passing username to
>>> Zeppelin, and actually using it.
>>> Shiro documentation is likewise not helpful.
>>> How can I accomplish what I want?
>>> --
>>> Vladimir Prus
>>> http://vladimirprus.com
> --
> Vladimir Prus
> http://vladimirprus.com

Vladimir Prus

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