Hi Jae,

You mean Zeppelin interprocess is not terminating when you stops zeppelin
daemon. Is my understanding correct?

'zeppelin-daemon.sh stop' supposed to stop zeppelin daemon and all the
interpreter processes.

Once interpreter process starts, it creates pid file under
ZEPPELIN_HOME/run/ directory. and `zeppelin-daemon.sh stop` iterates these
pids and kill them.

Let me know little bit of more detail about your problem.


On Mon, Aug 17, 2015 at 11:09 PM Bae, Jae Hyeon <metac...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Zeppelin users!
> I was expecting if I stopped Zeppelin daemon server, Mesos Zeppelin Spark
> interpreter framework would shutdown together but I was wrong.
> Do you know why? If I want to learn more detail, which is the best source
> for this question?
> Thank you
> Best, Jae

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