  Here Under the errors


     Le Lundi 10 août 2015 17h56, Felix Cheung <felixcheun...@hotmail.com> a 
écrit :

 #yiv6472732567 #yiv6472732567 --.yiv6472732567hmmessage 
What are the errors?

Date: Sun, 9 Aug 2015 20:06:13 +0000
From: djilokui...@yahoo.fr
To: m...@apache.org
CC: users@zeppelin.incubator.apache.org
Subject: Convert Spark dataframe to pandas dataframe in Zeppelin

How to Convert Spark dataframe to pandas dataframe in Zeppelin .

I tried Mydataframe.toPandas() like said here but it doesn't work
# Convert Spark DataFrame to Pandas
pandas_df = young.toPandas()

# Create a Spark DataFrame from Pandas
spark_df = context.createDataFrame(pandas_df)                                   

I also tried this:
`z.put("ts", trainSet)`.

`%pyspark trainSet = z.get("ts")` 
but I have a dataframe which do not have the column names and I cannot 
manipulate it with pandas
Do you have an Idea please ?


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