
It's not easy to understand
Could you provide an example of the data?

For what I understand, you want to show the list of string that you got
from the file, and have a button next to it like this:

String 1 [button1]
String 2 [button2]

However I'm not sure of what you want to do once you click on that button?

On Thu, Aug 27, 2015 at 12:44 PM, 江之源 <jiangzhiy...@liulishuo.com> wrote:

> I have a request that i ergodic my one directive and store my
> sub-directive name in an Array[String] by Scala. Then i use
> z.angularBind("list", fileList) to bind the sub-directive names to "list" ,
> i give it to the %angular paragraph to show the names, and it's successful.
> But when i wanna to add ng-click to every button to show every
> sub-directive and bind this name which i selected to my next scala
> paragraph, i failed. i can't find a way to bind my need variable.
> Can anyone helps me,below is my simple codes :
> %spark
> import java.io.File
> val rootDir = new File("/home/pipeline/autoScorerLLS")
> val fileList = rootDir.listFiles.map(_.toString.split("/").last)
> z.angularBind("list",fileList)
> %angular
> <div ng-repeat="n in list track by $index">
>   <div class="btn btn-success" >{{n}}</div>
> </div>
> you can modify the FIle path to try.
> and Right now i tried javascript codes to finish the sub-directive display
> function. But i still have no idea to bind the selected name to scala,
> below is the codes:
> %spark
> import java.io.File
> val rootDir = new File("/home/pipeline/autoScorerLLS")
> val fileList = rootDir.listFiles.map(_.toString.split("/").last)
> z.angularBind("list",fileList)
> %angular
> <div ng-repeat="n in list track by $index">
>   <div class="btn btn-success" onClick="myAlert.call(this)">{{n}}</div>
> </div>
> <div id="targetDOM">
> </div>
> <script>
>     window.myAlert = function() {
>         document.getElementById('targetDOM').innerHTML = this.innerHTML;
>     }
> </script>
> Thanks everyone!

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