
In a Zeppelin notebook I do this in the first paragraph:


- this appears to work ok when I run it (e.g., it says "Took 16 seconds")

But when I try this in a second paragraph:

import com.quantifind.charts.Highcharts._

The result is:

<console>:21: error: object quantifind is not a member of package com
       import com.quantifind.charts.Highcharts._

So it looks like the dependency loading failed.  Two points here:

1)      I'm behind a corporate firewall. I was a bit alarmed to see 
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ZEPPELIN-169 . Does this mean that it's 
impossible for me to fetch a dependency from behind a proxy?!  If not, please 
tell me how I can configure Zeppelin to use a proxy.

2)      If z.load() fails (e.g., because it's behind a proxy!) it would be 
great if it could report some kind of error message. Otherwise a user won't 
know it's failed until they try running an import statement later on.

BTW I'm using zeppelin-0.5.0-incubating-bin-spark-1.3.1_hadoop-2.3.tgz

Thanks, Lucas.

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