Hi Moon,

Thanks for your quick response.

1.       For first question, got your answer. that means all meta info, 
paragraph, and result of one notebook will be cached in memory once loaded, 

2.       For #2, my real question will be how to serve millions of users for 
Zeppelin. Per my current understanding REST API and websocket connection 
handling will be coupled together within one server, if it’s true, then my 
original question will become to “how to scale out the server that servers REST 
API, Websocket connection”, or not, what’s the differences of scaling them when 
I wanna support more users?


From: moon soo Lee [mailto:m...@apache.org]
Sent: Thursday, December 31, 2015 12:11 AM
To: users@zeppelin.incubator.apache.org
Subject: Re: How to support multiple notebooks in Zeppelin

Hi Dafeng,

Zeppelin at the moment keeps every notebook in memory once it's been loaded. So 
number of notebooks supported by instance will be limited by the memory on the 

Scale out Zeppelin-Server you mean scale out the server that serves REST API, 
Websocket connection?

On Wed, Dec 30, 2015 at 1:57 AM Dafeng Wang 
<dafe...@microsoft.com<mailto:dafe...@microsoft.com>> wrote:
Hi All,

I had tried with Zeppelin today, it works perfectly in stand-alone mode, my 
questions now are:

1.       Capacity limitation of Zeppelin-Server, in other words, how many 
notebook instance one server can support

2.       If we want to scale out Zepplein-server, is that possible? If so, then 
how? Let’s say the environment it’s yarn + spark


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