
I have a strange situation going on. I'm running Zeppelin 0.5.5 and Spark
1.6.0 (on Amazon EMR). I added this property to the interpreter settings
(and restarted it):

spark.jars.packages: org.apache.avro:avro:1.8.0,org.joda:joda-convert:1.8.1

The avro dependency loads fine and I'm able to import and use it. However,
if I try to import something in the joda-convert package (such as,
org.joda.convert.FromString), I get an error that "error: object convert is
not a member of package org.joda".

If I run the spark-shell from the CLI and include the same string above in
the --package parameter, I'm able to import joda-convert just fine. Also,
if I restart the interpreter and manually import the dependency with
z.load(), it also works fine:


So, what's going on here?

Chris Miller

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