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I am not using yarn, but have spark, hdfs, zeppelin working all together.

On Wednesday, April 6, 2016, John Omernik <j...@omernik.com> wrote:

> So, I am running into this again, net=host isn't an option for me, because
> then my hadoop client conflicts with the nodes hadoop client.  So I am
> trying to work out net=bridge, however, even specifying the driver port and
> host in spark doesn't work because spark tries to listen on only the
> hostname specified in spark.driver.host, not on all interfaces, thus it
> doesn't work inside the container.  Anyone else have luck with running
> Zeppelin in a Docker container, and using Yarn?
> On Wed, Jun 17, 2015 at 12:20 PM, John Omernik <j...@omernik.com
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','j...@omernik.com');>> wrote:
>> My challenge is I am running this in mesos, therefore I have a limited
>> amount of ports and I would need to know them ahead of time.  Even with
>> that ,the IP provided to the Application Master by the is internal Docker
>> IP, so that proves challenging as well.  Any other thoughts on this?
>> On Wed, Jun 17, 2015 at 12:03 PM, Jong Wook Kim <jongw...@nyu.edu
>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','jongw...@nyu.edu');>> wrote:
>>> I just used the --net=host option to make the container just use the
>>> host’s network stack which is probably the easiest way.
>>> if you are not allowed to do that, change the container’s 
>>> /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range
>>> to have a narrower port range, like 59000-59999 and forward the entire
>>> range.
>>> On Jun 18, 2015, at 1:15 AM, John Omernik <j...@omernik.com
>>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','j...@omernik.com');>> wrote:
>>> So I think I ran across an issue with Zeppelin/Docker but I wanted to
>>> describe here and see what people thought.
>>> Basically I have a YARN cluster (Yarn... well Myriad on Mesos, but for
>>> pyspark, it works like Yarn).
>>> I have setup a docker container with all I need including Spark etc.
>>> When I try to run pyspark, my Application Master in Yarn tries to
>>> connect back to the driver which is inconveniently located in a docker
>>> container, and the only ports exposed are those for Zeppelin. (My yarn
>>> spark applicaiton is accepted, but I see in the logs, and it never "runs"
>>> 15/06/17 11:04:29 ERROR yarn.ApplicationMaster: Failed to connect to driver 
>>> at, retrying ...
>>> 15/06/17 11:04:32 ERROR yarn.ApplicationMaster: Failed to connect to driver 
>>> at, retrying .
>>> Ok, so yarn-client mode won't work (easily), however, yarn-cluster mode
>>> doesn't work either because you can't run a shell in yarn-cluster mode.
>>> So this is all just trying to run $SPARK_HOME/bin/pyspark --master
>>> yarn-client from inside of my Zeppelin Docker container (not even running
>>> Zeppelin yet)
>>> I am guessing that the issue is part of my issues I am having getting
>>> the spark interpreter running in Zeppelin because Zeppelin is doing just
>>> that, running pyspark in yarn-client mode.
>>> Ok, so how have people running Zeppelin in Docker dealt with this?  What
>>> other ideas should I look into here?

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