Hi All,

I came to know about this tool from Spark meetup.

I am using AWS Redshift. Redshift supports SQL queries.
For example: I can use SQL Workbench which connects to Redshift and return
Also RedShift has Python SDK which will return data for the query using
Redshift SDK.

*My Requirement:*
I am looking for Visualisation tool for my query responses.

1) Can I use Zeppelin for this ?

2) Looks like Zeppelin is used only for Spark end point. Am I right ?

3) How Can I use Zeppelin as a visualisation tool for my requirement ?

Can I do like this?
1) On Zeppelin GUI  user enters SQL query.
2) Python will connects to Redshift, executes above given query and gets
query response.
3) Pass this response to Zeppelin.
4) Can Zeppelin render this in different graph formats?


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