Hi Woosan,

Currently, Zeppelin starts interpreter as a separate process using
bin/interpreter.sh, and that process need to add one of subdirectory under
'./interpreter' directory into classpath.

I guess packaging everything into war will not be simple unless change
current interpreter starting mechanism.

Hope this helps.


On Wed, May 11, 2016 at 1:42 PM Woonsan Ko <woon...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> Maybe I'm asking about kind of corner case here, but is it possible or
> feasible in the future to support packaging/deploying zeppelin as a
> war?
> In my specific use case (I'm working in web content management area),
> I might want to be able to use zeppelin as a simple analytic platform
> against JCR content data (possibly using jdbc interpreter for jcr). I
> assume there's no big overhead by packaging/using it as war on servlet
> container if it's connecting to a remote sparks.
> Would it be doable or is it a too narrow use case to support war
> packaging in zeppelin?
> Thanks in advance,
> Woonsan

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