
Jeez Bill, I hope you didn't spend all day looking for this article.  I
can't imagine the time and resources you must have used to get this
information to us.  I'm sure your effort is appreciated by all.

I can't believe this situation has bothered you this much.  I can imagine
what you must do when you are inundated with all kinds of unwanted e-mail
advertisements.  I really think you are making a mountain out of a mole
hill.  If you get something in your mail you don't like, you can DELETE it.
It only takes a second.  That is what that key is for.

Do you get upset when you get regular junk mail, lamenting over how many
trees were cut down for nothing to make the paper?  It never bothers me.  I
pull it out of the mail box with the right hand, and pitch it into the trash
with the left.  Not a big deal. Apparently if you have the time to worry
about such trivia you must have a lot of free time on your hands.  I wish I
had your life, where my worst nightmare would be worrying about all the junk
mail I get.

And, you are free to use my name when you want to accuse me.  You can't
embarrass me.   I have no shame.  I was told a long time ago that I march to
the beat of a different drummer.  And, I am quite proud of that, you might
even say arrogant.

But, just so you can sleep tonight, I won't send any more anti-virus


Keiner ist hoffnungsloser versklavt als derjenige, der irrtümlich glaubt
frei zu sein.

There are none more hopelessly enslaved then those who falsely believe they
are free!

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Potts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "U.S. Metric Association" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, 2001-04-24 21:35
Subject: [USMA:12451] Article: Viruses That Aren't

> >From time to time in the last few months, we have received warnings on
> list about alleged viruses that turn our to be hoaxes.
> The latest perpetrator of this said to me, in a private email, "Better
> than sorry."
> My view is that we should be safe BEFORE we spread other people's false
> rumors. Perpetuating rumors and hoaxes is not, itself, inherently safe. To
> explain why, I recommend that everyone read the article at
> http://www.zdnet.com/pcmag/stories/solutions/0,8224,2706443,00.html.
> To give you a clue as to what the article says, please note the subtext
> under its heading:
> They may not destroy your data, but Internet chain letters waste time and
> resources.
> If you don't have the time or inclination to read the article, might I
> recommend that you note the following URLs, where you can check the
> authenticity of any virus warning you receive.
> http://HoaxBusters.ciac.org/
> www.hoaxkill.com
> http://urbanlegends.about.com/science/urbanlegends/cs/nethoaxes/index.htm
> www.vmyths.com
> Bill Potts, CMS
> Roseville, CA
> http://metric1.org [SI Navigator]

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