I fully agree. I don't think that NG's position is really neutral. If this was the 
case they would simply display dual units to avoid taking sides. And I am sure no 
reader would have any reason to complain as long as ffu is still legal in the country.

I think their true intention, like you say, is to send that sublimal information which 
tells readers that ffu is OK since "our readers want it" and NG is sold "all over the 

I think that the only powerful argument for institutions using ffu only is 
*discrimination*. These people don't listen to logic and reason since their judment is 
already biased.

The problem with NG is that it is a publication and not a consumer product. As a 
publication they can write whatever they want. It falls under the freedom of speech.

For now, all we can do is complain. And the more complaints the better.



kilopascal wrote:

But, they also sell their FFU publications in countries that don't use FFU.
So, what is the excuse against using both sets of units?  Or are they afraid
Americans will realise that the world doesn't really use FFU when they see
rational numbers in metric and goofy numbers in FFU?   I somehow feel these
publications want to present the image that everyone understands and uses
FFU world-wide or wants too, but it is evil governments who try to force the
average person to use SI. By even including SI would be seen as caving in to
opposers of true freedom.



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