On Thu, 24 Jan 2002 21:54:10 James R. Frysinger wrote: >Marcus, are you a dues-paying USMA member or are you along for a free >ride on this mail list? What actions have you taken recently (outside of >providing us with free advice) to promote the cause of metrication in >the US? I know that you've written a few letters in the past, but what >about recently? > >I'm getting pretty fed up myself, but more at the Monday morning >quarterbacks than at the players on the field. > >Pardon me. It's late and I must be getting tired. I feel my tact >slipping away.... >... Indeed, Jim, it seems that way (slipping away...).
Let's go by parts. I still don't see why I should be a 'paying member of USMA', an organization, which, still, IMHO, cannot accomplish much, if at all, when it comes to *metrication*! I see this forum as perhaps the best thing USMA can offer to people, besides its serving as a very good data bank for information on how to find metric suppliers, etc, etc. In other words, I regard USMA as a very good *source* of metric information. But that's it! By being unable to lobby Congress or other meaningful organizations it lacks serious "fire power" (no wonder Andy Johnson abandoned this boat on a double as far as that is concerned!). Being a foreigner I don't know how effective I could be to influence any changes in your country, Jim. However, you can rest assured that I'm making a lot of noise around here (Canada) and in Brazil where I'm also a citizen! I have plans to extend this fight to the SA countries concerning ALCA (FTAA). The main goal is to get ALL of them to reject ANY potential accord/agreement that would NOT be "metric-only", or "prevailing metric" AT LEAST! I'm happy to report that I already have sympathetic ears in Brasilia and in Congress there! But I won't waver or stay put/quiet. I still have plans to continue revitalizing the GO SI EH organization. Unfortunately though I'm still doing nearly everything in that realm pretty much all by myself yet... Jim, you and the others here need to understand that it's extremely hard to make any dents or meaningful contributions to this difficult cause by ourselves, alone. We DESPERATELY NEED more *collective* cooperation! I know that perhaps this may not be your (American) style, to do things this way, being such an individualistically-oriented society. But I know that when push comes to shove you CAN do it (2001-Sep-11...)! I just can't understand why this hasn't taken place yet. Recently you have missed a great opportunity to pull this off when the MARS probe fiasco occurred. Unfortunately though you couldn't build a favorable momentum for change, that I could see. I don't want this to sound like cheap criticism though, but rather, a polite call for arms, so to speak. Now... Will you guys do that? That's the question! Again, it's hard not to conclude that indeed you, guys, need leadership among yourselves. I hope this answered your questions. Marcus Is your boss reading your email? ....Probably Keep your messages private by using Lycos Mail. Sign up today at http://mail.lycos.com