The lead article in the Wall Street Journal for April 23 dealt with the 
global effect of the EU's business regulations.  Directives from Brussels 
are requiring US companies to make changes in their products worldwide 
(that means US-wide too) in order to please European regualators.  Most of 
the article dealt with issues such as rules for preserving internet 
security and food content, but there was one small mention of the kg vs. 
lbs/ounces measurement issue in the UK vs. the Continent.

It may be that the best thing that will eventually happen to the SI 
movement here in the US will be demands from Europe.  There are hundreds of 
industry lobbiests in Brussels from all over, including the US, demanding 
that their particular industries be heard.  Let's hope that someone is 
demanding that US products are SI only, because this will carry over to 
this country.  Hopefully.


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