I would favorize in metric signs international signs *only*!!!


Michael Payne wrote:
> Reference the message from Phil Chernack below, This amendment
> changes the language of Table 2 to read``MPH, or MPH and km/h''.
> Which would agree with the "Law" below. I would imagine that a law
> would take precedence over a "rule" published by the NHTSA (National
> Highway Transportation Safety Administration). I would read that
> there is no justification in any rule requiring you to replace a km
> speedometer with one reading in miles as the primary display, as long
> as both units were displayed. Otherwise it would contravene the
> clearly worded law below. 
> United States Code Title 15
> Chapter 6. Sec. 204.
> Metric system authorized
> It shall be lawful throughout the United States of America to employ
> the weights and measures of the metric system; and no contract or
> dealing, or pleading in any court, shall be deemed invalid or liable
> to objection because the weights or measures expressed or referred to
> therein are weights or measures of the metric system.
> http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/15/205a.html
> Michael Payne
>> [Original Message]
>> From: Phil Chernack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: U.S. Metric Association <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  > Date: 22/9/03 09:13:24
>> Subject: [USMA:27029] Definitative Answer on U.S. Fed rule on km/h
>> on Dashboards 
>> To All,
>> Straight from the FMVSS 101 ruling:
>> A technical correction was issued in 2000 to "fix" the problem with
>> the 
> rule that stated the speedometer could display "MPH and/or km/h" which
> could have the result of a manufacturer putting MPH, km/h or both. 
> The intent of the rule was to mandate MPH and allow MPH-km/h at the
> descretion of the manufacturer.  This correction fixes that.
>> http://hazmat.dot.gov/97_2718.meetingnotice.pdf
>> Strange, coming from a government who has stated in law that SI is
>> the 
> "preferred" system of measurement.  My biggest problem is that any
> manufacturer who uses MPH exclusively dooms the auto to being useful
> in the US or UK only.  Even then, the UK requires both.
>> Phil
> --- Michael Payne
> --- EarthLink: The #1 provider of the Real Internet.

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