Recent Demetrications - Signs of Professionalism
June 27 2004 at 9:37 AM
Tony Bennett 

To illustrate both the extent to which amendments by supporters of ARM are increasing nationwide, and the technical quality of the amendments, here is a short list of some recent actions to render illegal metric signs lawful, which you may come across:

1. Scotch Corner, 200 yds north of Scotch Corner Hotel on A1: 'Weighbridge 200m ahead' changed to 'Weighbridge 200 yds ahead'

2. Lock on the River Nene, Denford, Northamptonshire: large sign '11.2 kilometres per hour' changed to '7 mph'

3. Entrance to country park in east Bedford changed from '2.0m' to ' 6' 6" '

4. Oak Street, Accrington: four large blue-and-white signs 'Weak bridge ahead 30m' changed to 'Weak bridge ahead 30 yds'

5. Sowerby, near Thirsk, north Yorkshire, road over low bridge just under A 19: 'Width restriction 400m ahead: 3m' changed to ' Width restriction 1/4 mile ahead: 10' 6" ' [this was to comply with another sign on the same road, nearer the actual old stone bridge, which said that the width restriction was actually 10' 6"]

6. Sign at the southern end of the village of Geddington, Northamptonshire: 'Width limit 2.1m in 400m' changed to ' Width limit 6' 6" in 1/4 mile ' [6' 6" was chosen (rather than 6' 9") to co-ordinate with a sign at the northern end of the bridge which said that the width limit was 6' 6"]

7. Wooden footpath signs along the River Lee Navigation in the Picketts Lock area, north London, amended from metric to Imperial

8. Cast iron black-and-white fingerpost signs outside Christchurch Priory, Dorset, amended from metric to Imperial.

THE ARM Gazetter of demetricated signs now includes over 2,300 known demetrications. It is available by e-mail or hard copy from our Information Officer

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