>The house of Lords is there as a check.

A check is a good idea, and a bicameral legislature is common in
many democracies.  The problem with an unelected body is that it is
not accountable to anyone, and in the case of the House of Lords simply
represents a privileged class.

>Are you aware that we don't use the PR system?

I am quite aware of the crude system in use in Westminster elections,
and I accept your point.  As a matter of interest, do you favor the
use of PR (either the List System as used in mainland Europe or the Single
Transferable Vote used here and in Northern Ireland) rather than first
past the post ?

>>As the Noble Member said "move with the times".
>Crime is higher than ever.
>Maybe I should become a criminal so as to "move with the times"

A facile analogy.

Tom Wade                 | EMail: tee dot wade at eurokom dot ie
EuroKom                  | Tel:   +353 (1) 296-9696
A2, Nutgrove Office Park | Fax:   +353 (1) 296-9697                        
Rathfarnham              | Disclaimer:  This is not a disclaimer
Dublin 14                | Tip:   "Friends don't let friends do Unix !"

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