I hope that EU will have enough clout by 2009 to finally turn down
any more requests for the extensions.  That a group like FMI could shut
down a fairly innocent amendment to the FPLA under patently false pretenses
shows how little pull the issue of metrication has in the US.  And that little
amendment could have gone a long way towards meeting the EU deadline.

This whole song and dance with the EU deadlines is like putting off the
visit to the dentist for tooth cleaning.  The dentist keeps nagging every six months,
but the patient keeps delaying and justifying his actions with flimsy excuses.  Years
of neglect finally take their toll, and  only after a couple of crowns, many more root canals, etc,
the patient realizes that things would have been much less painful had he kept up with
the periodic check-ups and cleanings.


On 1/24/06, Linda D. Bergeron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Here in the US things have actualy backslidden starting when Reagen cut the
budget for switching us to the SI.

Our leaders have only paid lip service to switching in hopes that the issue
will "go away". No wonder the EU keeps getting reqeasts to extended it's
deadline for "metric only" trade over and over again. And this will continue
for as long as the metric countries let them get away with it.

Linda Bergeron

----Original Message Follows----
From: "Carleton MacDonald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "U.S. Metric Association" < usma@colostate.edu>
Subject: [USMA:35827] Re: Little hope for SI progress in Canada?
Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 20:27:20 -0500
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Just like the USA.  Metrication gets started, makes some progress, then a
conservative leader (Mulroney, Reagan) comes in and puts a stop to it, and
things stagnate.  The difference, of course, is that Canada got much farther



Of Remek Kocz
Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2006 20:11
To: U.S. Metric Association
Cc: U.S. Metric Association
Subject: [Norton AntiSpam] [USMA:35825] Re: Little hope for SI progress in

What Ezra is probably worried about is the past record of the Conservatives
in Canada.  I believe that they did attempt once or twice to reverse the
progress of metric in that country.  I share some concerns as to that as
well, though my casual conversations with Canadians indicate that they are
actually quite happy with metric, so I don't see attempts at reversal on the
grassroots level.

On the other hand, over the past 13 years they were in power, Liberals
didn't do much for metrication.



I can't see how backsliding from km on the roads, celsius in the
temperatures, etc. could happen.  Canada has been doing that for far too

What will likely happen is no progress on getting rid of pounds at the
produce stand, acres on land sales, square feet on building sales, based on
a misguided concept of "right of choice".

So - my bet is no backsliding, but no progress.


-------------- Original message --------------
From: Ezra Steinberg < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hit the Send button by accident ...
> My thought is that the Tories running a minority government in Canada now
is not
> a scenario where there will be any kind of governmental push to finish
> metricating Canada.
> More muddle in the works, I'll wager, and maybe even some backsliding.

> :-(

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