1) On another site, Stephen Humphreys wrote "I wonder sometimes if you realise 
how extreme you have become"
I replied ""Says the man who cannot admit to seeing litres on a petrol pump!"
The conversation continued...........
Stephen "I have yet to find anyone who pulls up with the intention to put 'so 
many' litres in. Unless you are that one."
Ken "I've yet to find anyone that claims never look at the price per litre 
(apart from you, of course)"
Stephen "It's entirely up to you if you believe that or not. I've already told 
you - I only fill up with shell. Because they reward me with air miles."
Ken "Hmm. I saw a shell pump that worked in imperial. In 1994. Where do these 
"air miles" appear on the pump at your local petrol station, Stimpy? Is it 
under the number of litres & price per litre?"
Stephen "It's a credit that I recieve on my airmiles statement"
Ken "So you don't see them on the pump then? Do you see "litres" or "price per 
litre" marked anywhere in the filling station, Stimpy, or do you keep the 
blinkers on?"
Stephen "You have the blinkers. Weird ones. Becuase they are based upon things 
I have never said. Why dont you think about that."
Ken "I'm not quoting you, Stimpy. I'm asking you a question. Here it is again 
in slightly greater detail. When you fill your car with fuel at a filling 
station, do you see "litres" or "price per litre" marked anywhere in the 
filling station, Stimpy? Or do you keep your "I never see metric" blinkers on?"
Stephen "Are you telling me what I haven't seen or what I refuse to see?"
Ken "Remember folks, this bit is supposedly debating which units UK petrol 
pumps use. Stimpy will go to any length to avoid admitting that they display 
I'm asking you what you do see. Why do you appear to be unable to answer the 
question, Mr Extreme?"
Stephen "On the other hand - you cannot entertain the exchange to air miles.."
So, in a conversation regarding what units appear on UK petrol pumps that lasts 
over a matter of 20 days, Stimpy refuses to confirm that "litres" appear, but 
states that he exchanges fuel for air-miles.
Condemned out of his own mouth!
2) Secondly, Stephen claims that he has not said that the primary unit of the 
Loudwater fish scales is not metric.
Leaving aside the fact that I referred to his claims about "dual" scales at the 
fish counter, I would ask why he changed his signature on the other site to 
Tesco, The imperial Store. 
***Now with new Imperial Scales!!***

3) Thirdly, Stephen asks anyone that believes he is lying to ask him directly. 
OK. I will.
a) Are litres displayed on the pump displays in your local filling station?
b) Is a price per litre displayed on the pumps in your local filling station?
c) Are gallons displayed on the pump displays in your local filling station?
d) Is a price per gallon displayed on the pumps in your local filling station?
e) Are airmiles displayed on the pump displays in your local filling station?
f) Is a price per airmile displayed on the pumps in your local filling station?
g) Why do you appear to be unable to give a full description of the scale you 
claim to have seen at the fish counter at Loudwater Tesco?
h) Are you willing to give a full description here?

--- On Sat, 3/7/09, Stephen Humphreys <barkatf...@hotmail.com> wrote:

From: Stephen Humphreys <barkatf...@hotmail.com>
Subject: [USMA:43422] RE: Jerry's questions regarding "imperial" fuel & fish 
sales in the UK.
To: "U.S. Metric Association" <usma@colostate.edu>
Date: Saturday, March 7, 2009, 5:08 PM

#yiv1914263957 .hmmessage P
#yiv1914263957 {

1) Lee and euric appear to say that I have said that fuel (petrol) in the UK is 
dispensed in 'air miles'.
2) I have not said that the primary unit is not metric

3) If anyone here believes them (ie that I believe fuel is dispensed in air 
miles or that I am lying regarding the fish scales in my local Tesco) can they 
ask me directly 


Date: Sat, 7 Mar 2009 06:23:48 -0800
From: k_cooper1...@yahoo.com
Subject: [USMA:43401] Jerry's questions regarding "imperial" fuel & fish sales 
in the UK.
To: usma@colostate.edu

As you suggest, Jerry, one individual on one website seems to believe that 
liquid fuel in the UK is dispensed in "air miles" rather than litres. I think 
that his views can safely be ignored.
I can assure you that UK law still states that litres MUST be used whenever 
liquid fuels are sold by retail in the UK. 
My view of the law is backed up by my own experiences in filling my car at 
pumps in dozens of filling stations throughout the UK, and in passing hundreds 
of other filling stations with large roadside price displays marked solely with 
prices per litre. 
UK petrol pumps normally have 3 active displays at any one time. One tells the 
price per litre, one tells the number of litres dispensed and one tells the 
total price to pay. Some pumps omit the price per litre & a few omit the price 
to pay.
In every case, however, there is a requirement that the pump shows the number 
of litres dispensed.
I'm sure that other UK contributors to this site can confirm my findings.
With regard to Tesco's supposed return to using imperial scales at their fish 
counter in their Loudwater store, I would point out that this information is 
provided by the same individual on the same website I mention above. This tine, 
he makes a claim that Tesco are using dual scales for trade purposes in this 
Unfortunately, he refuses to provide any meaningful detail about the scales, 
making it impossible to verify whether he is telling the truth or not. I've 
never been in the Loudwater Tesco, so I cannot comment on that particular store.
However, during the last 12 months or so, I have visited Tesco stores in Dundee 
(4), Edinburgh (3), Glasgow (2), Helensburgh (2), Arbroath, Ayr, 
Budapest(non-UK!), Campbeltown, Dumbarton, Dublin(non-UK!), Inverness, 
Lochgilphead, London, Oban, Perth & Stirling.
None of these stores use dual-marked weighing equipment for any trade purposes 
(a few have dual non-trade customer checkweighers in the F&V aisle). Each and 
every one of those stores had weighing and/or measuring equipment in use for 
trade. Without exception, the equipment indicated in metric units only.
Again, I would ask other UK contributors to post their experiences in Tesco 
stores. I'm pretty sure that only one person will claim to have seen such a 
scale, yet will prove to be surprisingly reluctant (or perhaps unable) to 
provide any real proof that it exists.

--- On Sat, 3/7/09, Jeremiah MacGregor <jeremiahmacgre...@rocketmail.com> wrote:

From: Jeremiah MacGregor <jeremiahmacgre...@rocketmail.com>
Subject: Re: [USMA:43385] Re: USC units spread to the UK - and no-one notices!
To: k_cooper1...@yahoo.com, "U.S. Metric Association" <usma@colostate.edu>
Date: Saturday, March 7, 2009, 1:48 AM

I've heard a rumor recently that the UK no longer uses the liter for dispensing 
gasoline but has instead switched to a new unit called "air miles".  Can you 
provide some further information on this?  
I also understand that some super markets are now re-introducing scales in 
pound units that are being used to weigh goods asked for by customers.  I 
believe that a Tesco located in the town of Loudwater has already changed 
over.  Can you provide some further information on this reversion?

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