There are imperial signs all over the UK. The vast majority do not have units 
marked. Miles are assumed.
A sign giving the distance to York would say "York 10". It would not say "York 
10 m" (unless it was an obsolete motorway sign) and it would not say "York 10 
Similarly, a 30 mph speed limit is signified by a black "30" on a white 
background surrounded by a red circle.
The Traffic Signs Regulations & General Directions set out exactly what 
constitutes a legal sign. Ironically, all the dimensions of the signs are set 
out in metric!

--- On Sun, 3/8/09, Jeremiah MacGregor <> wrote:

From: Jeremiah MacGregor <>
Subject: Re: [USMA:43471] Re: Jerry's questions regarding "imperial" fuel & 
fish sales in the UK.
To:, "U.S. Metric Association" <>
Date: Sunday, March 8, 2009, 4:54 PM

Would motorways be more likely to show distance signs then city streets?  Most 
of the signs on our city streets don't give any measurements or distances.  The 
only ones I encounter on my drive about are speed limit signs, and they just 
show a number, like SPEED LIMIT 35.    Distance signs are only seen (rarely) on 
rural roads giving distances to the towns.  The freeways however do have a lot 
of distance and speed limit signs, both public and private.  Is this true in 
the UK too?
So no wonder Stephen is fixated with motorways.  It is the only place he can 
see claim to see his imperial signs and get his imperial fix as imperial is 
rare everywhere else.  
I am becoming irritated with Stephen trying to personalize the debate and 
calling me by someone Else's name.  Wouldn't it be so much easier for him to 
just prove what he claims, especially if someone is able to prove otherwise?  
Keep up the good work in keeping us informed with the reality  of metric usage 
in the UK despite one person trying to paint a rosy picture of imperial usage 
which is not there.

From: Ken Cooper <>
To: U.S. Metric Association <>
Sent: Saturday, March 7, 2009 8:03:34 PM
Subject: [USMA:43471] Re: Jerry's questions regarding "imperial" fuel & fish 
sales in the UK.

Where do I start!!!!!!!
Stephen said "Nothing I have said below is untrue"
Please provide proof of a UK parking sign that states "P 1 m"
I've never seen one. They are not prescribed in the TSRGD, therefore they must 
have been specifically authorised by the Secretary of State.
Oh, and even if they did exist, you wouldn't find one on a motorway. You cannot 
park on a motorway, so there are no parking signs.
Stephen also said "Secondly - the UK motorways carry the most traffic"
True. They carry the most traffic per mile (or kilometre). There's a damn sight 
more traffic on non-motorway roads though.
My car spent a full 24 hours today off the motorway system. I'll lay odds that 
your car spent more time today off-motorway than on. In fact, the vast majority 
of cars in the UK will have spent most of their time off the motorway system.
Thats because these roads only constitite 1% of UK roads. They would have to be 
really busy to constitute a majority of UK traffic. So busy that they would be 
permenantly gridlocked. That's just not true, is it?
Stephen said "Thirdly I could have mentioned other things - like the matrix 
signs that now default to miles and minutes for 'travel to' points"
Yeah. Matrix signs that are being trialled on a small area of one or two 
motorways near Stephen's house. In response, I could mention motorway signs in 
Glasgow that give travel times in minutes without any mention whatsoever of 
imperial or metric distances.
What does this prove? A few (as many as 20?, 30?) matrix signs mention imperial 
distances using "m" to mean miles? Is this Stephen's basis for claiming that "m 
means miles on UK roads"
Finally, Stephen said "Incidentally - I notice that you've been banned from the 
'other site' again."
Yeah. For mentioning that "Stephen Humphreys" was posting my true name on this 
It's a bit rich that you complained to the mods on that site & had me suspended 
for doing the exact same thing that you have done here! 
Tell you what, Stephen, why don't you lay off the personal stuff & try to 
debate purely on Weights & Measures? I'm getting pretty bored with your 
attempts to personalise the debate. I'm sure others are too.

--- On Sat, 3/7/09, Stephen Humphreys <> wrote:

From: Stephen Humphreys <>
Subject: [USMA:43466] Re: Jerry's questions regarding "imperial" fuel & fish 
sales in the UK.
To: "U.S. Metric Association" <>
Date: Saturday, March 7, 2009, 11:39 PM

#yiv9110492 #yiv253482191 .hmmessage P {margin:0px;padding:0px;}#yiv9110492 
#yiv253482191 {font-size:10pt;font-family:Verdana;}
Nothing I have said below is untrue. 
Secondly - the UK motorways carry the most traffic.
Thirdly I could have mentioned other things - like the matrix signs that now 
default to miles and minutes for 'travel to' points.  Mainly because we are 
discussing the use of 'm' here (which is used precisely as I have claimed below)

If anyone believes Lee Roberts claim that I have told lies / half truths / 
whatever then please post to me either publicly or privately.

Incidentally - I notice that you've been banned from the 'other site' again..
Both of you tend to get banned quite a bit.

To be fair - your account with them has been 'suspended' (apparently they don't 
do 'bans') - with this comment "It's with great regret that Glenn and his 
aliases have been suspended again for two days due to abusive and personal 

Needless to say the next thing you will hear is about bias on that site 
(despite that board letting him get away with murder - almost).

Date: Sat, 7 Mar 2009 12:46:46 -0800
Subject: [USMA:43453] Re: Jerry's questions regarding "imperial" fuel & fish 
sales in the UK.

And here's a perfect example of how Stephen uses half truths to deceive.
1) He states "Motorway signs also show "Town name  XX m"  - eg "London 23 m"*
Apart from the fact that the motorway network is a tiny part of the UK total 
road length (see below), he fails to state that the "London 23 m" signs are not 
currently prescribed in the Traffic Signs Regulations & General Directions. Any 
sign in this form is an obsolete old sign & does not conform to current UK law 
(just like the old milestones or "20 cwt" signs you occasionally see)
But that doesn't stop him claiming these signs are current.
2) He also states "There are signs that say "Services  XX m"
Again, this is not the full story, Signs in this form only appear on motorways. 
Has Stephen ever pointed out that there are only around 3500 km (2200 miles) of 
motorway in the entire UK? That's approximately 1% of the road network.
3)  He also states "And there are park (A big "P") signs that have X m"
This is untrue. These signs state "X miles". No abbreviation is used.
4) Finally, Stephen said "This is on top of the ones you remember (the 1 m and 
1/2 m countdown signs).   Sometimes those countdown signs might have 1/4 m or 
1/3 m but the vast majority are as you state they are."
Yes. You will see "m" as an abbreviation for miles on grade seperated 
junctions. That's what I said in the first place. 
Can I ask what you intended by your post Stephen? The only bit that wasn't 
untrue or misleading was when you agreed with my point on grade-seperated 
I also notice, Stephen, that a lot of your post related to motorway signage.. I 
wonder why you didn't mention the following signs. Don't you pass them 
occasionally (like every 100 metres or so)? I do. - don't you love the ironic title 
of the webpage, seeing that it's all about kilometre signs?

--- On Sat, 3/7/09, Stephen Humphreys <> wrote:

From: Stephen Humphreys <>
Subject: [USMA:43425] Re: Jerry's questions regarding "imperial" fuel & fish 
sales in the UK.
To: "U.S. Metric Association" <>
Date: Saturday, March 7, 2009, 5:14 PM

Carlton - Motorway signs also show "Town name  XX m"  - eg "London 23 m" 
Also there are signs that say "Services  XX m"
And there are park (A big "P") signs that have X m
This is on top of the ones you remember (the 1 m and 1/2 m countdown signs)..   
Sometimes those countdown signs might have 1/4 m or 1/3 m but the vast majority 
are as you state they are.

Date: Sat, 7 Mar 2009 09:05:44 -0800
Subject: [USMA:43421] Re: Jerry's questions regarding "imperial" fuel & fish 
sales in the UK.

As John Frewen-Lord states, you will see imperial measurement used for the 
majority of UK roadsigns.
Normally, official signs giving distances don't use an abbreviation for miles. 
A sign would say "York 10" rather than "York 10 m", York 10 mi" or "York 10 
You obviously spotted one of the "m means miles" signs.
"m" is also used to mean metres on some UK road-signs. These signs are mainly 
confined to signs showing restricted heights or widths & are also accompanied 
by imperial measurements in feet/inches.

--- On Sat, 3/7/09, Carleton MacDonald <> wrote:

From: Carleton MacDonald <>
Subject: [USMA:43413] Re: Jerry's questions regarding "imperial" fuel & fish 
sales in the UK.
To: "U.S. Metric Association" <>
Date: Saturday, March 7, 2009, 4:32 PM

When I was in the UK in June 2005 our friend took us driving from Southsea to 
Stonehenge.  On the motorway the distance to the next exit was noted on the 
sign as “1 m”.  Funny, even though that looked metric, I didn’t see it all that 




From: [] On Behalf Of 
John Frewen-Lord
Sent: Saturday, March 07, 2009 10:53
To: U.S. Metric Association
Subject: [USMA:43410] Re: Jerry's questions regarding "imperial" fuel & fish 
sales in the UK.

My local Tesco in Grimsby weighs ONLY in metric units for trade purposes (at 
the deli and fish counters primarily).  Yes, the customer-use weigh scales are 
dual marked, with metric as the primary (outer) scale, and imperial as the 
secondary (inner) scale.  All our other local supermarkets (Morrisons, 
Sainsbury's, ASDA, Somerfield) only retail weigh products in metric, this is 
the law.  Annoyingly, some counter staff insist on converting it to imperial 
for me (even when I have asked for it in metric), but that is sporadic.


Also to confirm - all fuel, whether petrol (gasoline) and diesel at the pumps, 
or the fuel oil we buy for our heating system, is sold in liters ONLY.  Even 
aircraft fuel is calibrated in liters (a friend of mine works at my local 
airport).  I have NEVER seen automotive fuel in other than metric.  Same for 
Canada - since conversion in 1978, all gasoline can be dispensed ONLY in liters.


The UK is primarily metric (e.g. the laptop computer I am typing this out on is 
shown as weighing 3.5 kg, no imperial equivalent), and officially all 
government is metric, even though there is some backsliding.  Only the road 
signage, and pints in the pub, are not metric.  These are the sole areas that 
those who resist metric conversion are holding out on.



----- Original Message ----- 

From: Ken Cooper 

To: U.S. Metric Association 

Sent: Saturday, March 07, 2009 2:23 PM

Subject: [USMA:43401] Jerry's questions regarding "imperial" fuel & fish sales 
in the UK.


As you suggest, Jerry, one individual on one website seems to believe that 
liquid fuel in the UK is dispensed in "air miles" rather than litres. I think 
that his views can safely be ignored.


I can assure you that UK law still states that litres MUST be used whenever 
liquid fuels are sold by retail in the UK. 


My view of the law is backed up by my own experiences in filling my car at 
pumps in dozens of filling stations throughout the UK, and in passing hundreds 
of other filling stations with large roadside price displays marked solely with 
prices per litre. 


UK petrol pumps normally have 3 active displays at any one time. One tells the 
price per litre, one tells the number of litres dispensed and one tells the 
total price to pay. Some pumps omit the price per litre & a few omit the price 
to pay.


In every case, however, there is a requirement that the pump shows the number 
of litres dispensed.


I'm sure that other UK contributors to this site can confirm my findings.




With regard to Tesco's supposed return to using imperial scales at their fish 
counter in their Loudwater store, I would point out that this information is 
provided by the same individual on the same website I mention above. This tine, 
he makes a claim that Tesco are using dual scales for trade purposes in this 


Unfortunately, he refuses to provide any meaningful detail about the scales, 
making it impossible to verify whether he is telling the truth or not. I've 
never been in the Loudwater Tesco, so I cannot comment on that particular store.


However, during the last 12 months or so, I have visited Tesco stores in Dundee 
(4), Edinburgh (3), Glasgow (2), Helensburgh (2), Arbroath, Ayr, 
Budapest(non-UK!), Campbeltown, Dumbarton, Dublin(non-UK!), Inverness, 
Lochgilphead, London, Oban, Perth & Stirling.


None of these stores use dual-marked weighing equipment for any trade purposes 
(a few have dual non-trade customer checkweighers in the F&V aisle). Each and 
every one of those stores had weighing and/or measuring equipment in use for 
trade. Without exception, the equipment indicated in metric units only.


Again, I would ask other UK contributors to post their experiences in Tesco 
stores. I'm pretty sure that only one person will claim to have seen such a 
scale, yet will prove to be surprisingly reluctant (or perhaps unable) to 
provide any real proof that it exists.

--- On Sat, 3/7/09, Jeremiah MacGregor <> wrote:

From: Jeremiah MacGregor <>
Subject: Re: [USMA:43385] Re: USC units spread to the UK - and no-one notices!
To:, "U.S. Metric Association" <>
Date: Saturday, March 7, 2009, 1:48 AM 



I've heard a rumor recently that the UK no longer uses the liter for dispensing 
gasoline but has instead switched to a new unit called "air miles".  Can you 
provide some further information on this?  


I also understand that some super markets are now re-introducing scales in 
pound units that are being used to weigh goods asked for by customers.  I 
believe that a Tesco located in the town of Loudwater has already changed 
over.  Can you provide some further information on this reversion?



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