I was on the USMA site on the page 'Published articles about metric - 2009' and 
found this: 

Metric is no way to measure
By Glynn Moore| Columnist 

Augusta (Georgia) Chronicle, 2009-Mar-16, 1p., Moore,G.; Metric is no way to 
measure. [http://chronicle.augusta.com/stories/2009/03/16/moo_514811.shtml] 

I can hardly believe that an intelligent person can spout such trash. All the 
old scare mongering canards are back again like:
A body temperature of 37.77 degrees, converted from 101.8 degrees Fahrenheit - 
too accurate.
A weatherman predicting  26.7 C = 80 degrees Fahrenheit. That is new to me: 
nature has standardized the weather to the Fahrenheit scale (and I also suppose 
to the inHg and the inch of precipitation). Using metric the weatherman would 
predict 27 degrees of course.
A speed limit of 55 mph equates to 88 km/h. In metric it would be 90 km/h.
"As globalization continues, a football field is destined to become 91.44 
meters long". Of course, if American football should go metric one day, it 
would be wile to move to a 100 m field. Although soccer still uses soft 
converted measurements.

Not one valid argument against metric, just garbage. Maybe is this supposed to 
be funny.


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