
A good idea, but fliers are for small-time, short term advertising.  You
would probably do much better by making use of any Spanish language
newspapers that circulate in the area.  You can either write letters, or if
possible, befriend the editor or any journalists, and get them to write
articles (or you write the articles yourself).

However, one point that should be borne in mind - whatever you write, you
should emphasise that by using metric units, the readers are adding to
American culture as a whole, not merely using a "secret" language that only
people in the ghetto understand.

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-u...@colostate.edu [mailto:owner-u...@colostate.edu] On Behalf
Of Pierre Abbat
Sent: 10 July 2009 03:08
To: U.S. Metric Association
Subject: [USMA:45336] idea for flyers

Charlotte has a growing number of Latino immigrants. I'm thinking of passing

out flyers like this:
¿Viniendo a este país, estaba perplejo por estrañas unidades, tales como
libras, y millas?
¿Desea que sus niños crezcan a ser buenos en ciencias y matemáticas?
Unase a la
U.S. Metric Association
Any other ideas?


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