---- Original message ----
>Date: Thu, 24 Sep 2009 07:09:13 +1000
>From: Pat Naughtin <pat.naugh...@metricationmatters.com>  
>Subject: [USMA:45886] Re: History of Units  
>To: "U.S. Metric Association" <usma@colostate.edu>
   On 2009/09/23, at 21:41 , John M. Steele wrote:
>Who are we trying to convince, Americans?                                      
>Yes, mostly.                                                       >           
>                                                  ...                          
>John then added:                                                        >...   
>I would also use American spelling...

Yes, John, Patrick is correct, Americans are more likely to accept meter and 
liter than the other spelling.


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