On 2010/01/25, at 12:59 , Harry Wyeth wrote:

 Pat and All...

If we here in the US could simply get kg, degrees C, liters, and km (and their components) in my lifetime, it would be earth-moving. Lets worry about light years and the others some other time. Given the intractable mess our Congress is in, I am not optimistic, at least for the foreseeable future.


Dear Harry,

I don't share your pessimism; I see only hope for a rapid and soon metrication in the USA. From where I sit I see positive signs toward the completion of metrication in the USA every day.

Let me share an example from the tennis yesterday.

Jim Courier, a former world number one professional tennis player from the USA, was commenting on the Australian Open Tennis in Melbourne, when he said (something like):

'That was out by about two yards, oops sorry, I know you Aussies use metres. That was out by about two metres. Gee, I wish the States would catch up with the rest of the world and go metric!'

The point I'm making is that the pressure for metrication is building more and more, and that this pressure is being exerted from all sorts of areas – such as professional tennis players.

Please keep up your good work and try to avoid despondency.


Pat Naughtin
Author of the ebook, Metrication Leaders Guide, that you can obtain from http://metricationmatters.com/MetricationLeadersGuideInfo.html
PO Box 305 Belmont 3216,
Geelong, Australia
Phone: 61 3 5241 2008

Metric system consultant, writer, and speaker, Pat Naughtin, has helped thousands of people and hundreds of companies upgrade to the modern metric system smoothly, quickly, and so economically that they now save thousands each year when buying, processing, or selling for their businesses. Pat provides services and resources for many different trades, crafts, and professions for commercial, industrial and government metrication leaders in Asia, Europe, and in the USA. Pat's clients include the Australian Government, Google, NASA, NIST, and the metric associations of Canada, the UK, and the USA. See http://www.metricationmatters.com for more metrication information, contact Pat at pat.naugh...@metricationmatters.com or to get the free 'Metrication matters' newsletter go to: http://www.metricationmatters.com/newsletter to subscribe.

Pat Naughtin wrote:

Dear All,

I am beginning to make a collection of all those old pre-metric measuring words that are described as:

Too entrenched to change.

Here are some examples to get your thinking started (as you know, many of these have never been formally defined):
astronomical units,

atomic energy units,

Baby birth mass in pounds and ounces,

Dress sizes,

Fahrenheit degrees,

Human height in feet and inches,





Shoe sizes.


Pat Naughtin
Author of the ebook, Metrication Leaders Guide, that you can obtain from http://metricationmatters.com/MetricationLeadersGuideInfo.html
PO Box 305 Belmont 3216,
Geelong, Australia
Phone: 61 3 5241 2008

Metric system consultant, writer, and speaker, Pat Naughtin, has helped thousands of people and hundreds of companies upgrade to the modern metric system smoothly, quickly, and so economically that they now save thousands each year when buying, processing, or selling for their businesses. Pat provides services and resources for many different trades, crafts, and professions for commercial, industrial and government metrication leaders in Asia, Europe, and in the USA. Pat's clients include the Australian Government, Google, NASA, NIST, and the metric associations of Canada, the UK, and the USA. See http://www.metricationmatters.com for more metrication information, contact Pat at pat.naugh...@metricationmatters.com or to get the free 'Metrication matters' newsletter go to: http://www.metricationmatters.com/newsletter to subscribe.

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