--- I actually agree with a lot of what you said there but I still cringe at quotes like 'the inch is our enemy'. Far too emotional.

I think you are probably reading more emotion in to it than was intended. My point is that the focus of this group is to promote the increased use of the metric system, and in that the inch is definitely an 'enemy' (though not, of course, the people who use it) that we should be working to consign to the history books, along with the league, the grain, the gill and the chain, and that diverting energy and resources to trying to stamp out the centimeter is not only futile and decisive, but renders the metric system that little bit less flexible.

Obviously none of these would work on me because I'm a staunch user of both systems (!) Unlike UK politics I support a coalition of measures :-)

So you would therefore be supportive of allowing metric measures to be used on UK road signs, or does your coalition of measures only apply to areas in which metric has a preponderance ?

Tom Wade

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