Dear Mr. President,

On January 10, a "We The People" petition in support of U.S. 
changeover to the metric-system standard of measurement surpassed the 
25,000-signature threshold needed to earn your response.

The petition appears to be receiving approximately 1,000 to 3,000 additional 
signatures per day, and is still receiving them at that rate. The petition was 
posted on the site December 31, and reached the prescribed threshold for action 
in only 10 days.

The U.S. is the only major nation that does not use the metric system as its 
everyday measurement standard, thus making America an island of inch-pound 
commercial isolation in a metric sea of ambitious competitors who are not 
saddled with our measurement restriction. 

Each additional day that America waits to convert to the metric system means 
additional costs to the Nation in terms of lost trade, lost scientific 
development, lost academic prowess for our students, and lost cultural 

We urge you to heed this petition (now at over 28,000 signatures and 
counting!), and open a national dialogue immediately on an approach to 
establishing U.S.change to the metric system. Here is a way for you to 
transform America in a direction that is surely begging for a transformation!

Link to petition:


Paul R. Trusten
Registered Pharmacist
Vice President and Public Relations Director
U.S. Metric Association, Inc.

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