Dear Friends of SI,

Today is the last day for signing the White House "We The People" petition to 
President Obama calling for the U.S. to change its standard of measurement to 
the metric system.  As of this moment, the signature count is 37.024, about 
12,000 signatures more than the 25,000 required to get a response from the 
Obama Administration. 

Let's add to the, let's ERUPT the total!  Please send this link to 
people you know and ask them to sign before midnight tonight.  Let's create 
such a blizzard of last-minute signatures that the Administration will take 
special notice!  The link is:

Thanks for all you do for the goal of U.S. metrication.


Paul R. Trusten
Registered Pharmacist
Vice President and Public Relations Director
U.S. Metric Association, Inc.

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