NIST is closed today (October 1st) as auto-responded each of the NIST employees 
named below.

Eugene Mechtly
From: mechtly, eugene a
Sent: Tuesday, October 01, 2013 4:48 PM
To: Warfield, Lisa; Gentry, Elizabeth; Butcher, Kenneth S.
Cc: Sefcik, David; Crown, Linda D.
Subject: RE: Inquiry Status: Table of Adoptions of NCWM Standards by the States


My copy of HB 130 (2014) arrived today, October 1st, too late for editorial 
incorporation of additional metric-only facts in the Table of Adoptions of 
Uniform Laws and Regulations, listed by state, beginning on Page 10.

I am astonished that the editors of HB 130, apparently, have so little 
authority to incorporate facts reported by each of the states directly to NIST, 
without any intermediate involvement of the NCWM.

In my mind, this is a case of the tail wagging the dog.  NIST is more that a 
clerk and printer acting for the NCWM.

The requirement (?) for submission of the NCWM Form 15 on the question of data 
provided directly by each of the states to NIST should require no NCWM approval!

Eugene Mechtly
From: Warfield, Lisa []
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2013 2:15 PM
To: mechtly, eugene a; Gentry, Elizabeth; Butcher, Kenneth S.
Cc: Sefcik, David; Crown, Linda D.
Subject: RE: Inquiry Status: Table of Adoptions of NCWM Standards by the States

Mr. Mechtly,
The NIST Handbook 130 (2014) edition has already been printed and  in the mail 
to paid memberships.      Any future changes to the handbook must follow the 
submittal of a Form 15 to the NCWM.

Lisa Warfield
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Office of Weights & Measures  - Laws & Metric Program
100 Bureau Dr., Stop 2600
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-2600
phone:  301-975-3308,   fax:  301-975-8091 <>

From: mechtly, eugene a []
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2013 2:54 PM
To: Warfield, Lisa; Gentry, Elizabeth; Butcher, Kenneth S.
Cc: Sefcik, David; Crown, Linda D.
Subject: RE: Inquiry Status: Table of Adoptions of NCWM Standards by the States


My proposal, to cite the reason for *existing* approval of metric-only 
labeling, state by state, is purely a bookkeeping action, entirely between NIST 
and the fifty states.

The proposal, in no way, requires the approval of the NCWM by Form 15 or any 
other mechanism.

The adoptions are already accomplished facts; either by formal adoption of the 
UPLR, or by the uniques laws, regulations, or policies of each particular 
state. (with the exception of the State of New York)

The incorporation of more *already existing facts* in the "Table of Adoptions" 
in NIST HB 130 (2014) should be little more than an easy editorial 
enhancement!!!  Please consider the benefit of adding this additional 

Eugene Mechtly
From: Warfield, Lisa []
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2013 9:07 AM
To: Gentry, Elizabeth; Butcher, Kenneth S.; mechtly, eugene a
Cc: Sefcik, David; Crown, Linda D.
Subject: RE: Inquiry Status: Table of Adoptions of NCWM Standards by the States
Mr. Mechtly,
My apologies for our delay in responding to your inquiry.     Our staff was out 
of the office last week on work related issues.

Unfortunetly, we are unable to accept submitted change request to the 
Handbooks.     For proposed changes to the handbooks a Form 15 must be 
completed and submitted to the National Conference on Weights and Measures.

Propose Change to NIST Handbook(s)
Download Form 15: Proposal to Amend 
Instructions On How To Submit A Proposal to Amend a NIST Handbook:
1.     Complete Form 15: Proposal to Amend Handbooks
2.     Include all necessary research and documentation with form
3.     Submit form to NCWM at least two weeks prior to fall regional 
association meetings<>. Please submit via 
email to<>
4.     If possible, attend the regional association meeting(s) for the 
association that your proposal has been submitted to. This will allow you the 
opportunity to openly discuss your proposal with the Committee members and 
other attendees  Contact NCWM for assistance (402) 434-4880
What Happens Next
If the regional association forwards your proposal to the National Conference 
on Weights and Measures (NCWM) Standing Committees it will be considered at the 
NCWM Interim meeting in January through open hearings and committee process. 
Standing Committees determine the status of agenda items for the Annual Meeting 
in July.
Status Options Are:
*         Withdrawn - Item will not be considered further
*         Developmental - Item will be developed further by the submitter
*         Informational - Item will be further developed under the direction of 
the NCWM Standing Committee
*         Voting - Item will be voted on at the NCWM Annual Meeting in July
The Interim meeting agenda items that are recommended to be moved forward by 
the Standing Committee are incorporated into the Annual Meeting Agenda (NCWM 
Publication 16). If the item is adopted by the Conference in July, it will be 
published in the handbook and enforceable the following January 1.

Lisa Warfield
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Office of Weights & Measures  - Laws & Metric Program
100 Bureau Dr., Stop 2600
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-2600
phone:  301-975-3308,   fax:  301-975-8091 <>

-----Original Message-----
From: mechtly, eugene a []
Sent: Sunday, September 29, 2013 4:05 PM
To: Gentry, Elizabeth
Cc: mechtly, eugene a
Subject: RE: Table of Adoptions of NCWM Standards by the States


To date, I have received no reply, positive or negative, to my proposal of 
September 20th.

Has it been received?  Has it been discussed?  Is a response being prepared?

After all, it is in response to your informing me that the unique laws, 
regulations, or policies of a particular state, not just formal adoption of the 
UPLR, can result in acceptance of metric-only labeling in a particular state.

I believe that many readers of NIST HB 130 would like to know the method by 
which all but one of the states approve of metric-only labeling!

Eugene Mechtly


From: mechtly, eugene a

Sent: Friday, September 20, 2013 12:26 PM


Cc: U.S. Metric Accociation

Subject: Table of Adoptions of NCWM Standards by the States

The information content of the Table of Adoptions by the States could be 
enhanced if the heading "Packaging and Labeling" were changed to "Permits 
Metric-Only Labeling."

The entries "yes" and "YES" could remain as they are presently defined.

More detailed entries could be created.  For example:

yes(a) = metric-only labeling is permitted by the unique laws of this state.

yes(b) = metric-only labeling is permitted by the unique regulations of this 

yes(c) = metric-only labeling is permitted by the unique policies of this state.

The entries "no" and "NO"  could remain defined as they are presently defined, 

a new entry "NO(d)" could be defined as "does requires dual-unit labels on 
products under the jurisdictions of this state, and has not adopted the NCWM 
Standard for the UPLR."

Is there a prospect of incorporating this proposal, as an editorial 
enhancement. in the 2014 Edition of NIST HB 130?

Eugene Mechtly

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