Hi Paul Trusten , Eugene Mechtly, and all:

A national approach to complete the transition to the SI metric system may
be ideal the  Federal government still wishes to keep a voluntry approach.
This leaves the decision to States and industries to decide when they wish
to complete Metrication. With Hawaii and Oregon considering bills for State
wide use of the metric system, now would be the time to plan a strategy for
next year legisitive session.

I contacted my California State Senator to support a bill similar to
Hawaii. She responded she will file my letter for next session since no new
bills can be introduced this session. She agreed that the metric system is
easier for students to understand and use and keep her informed. I feel now
is the time for members of USMA to contact their State House and Senate

Also I think the message to convey is the completion and how much the US
already uses the SI metric system. We need to get away from pointing to the
outworn " only three Liberia, Myanmar, US".

Edward B.

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