Dr Patricia Weeks here at the Salem Clinic printed out a perscription for
my wife today for 150 MG of a particular medication. Astonished, I pointed
out to Dr Weeks that when the M is capitalized, it means mega, which in
this case, would means 150 megagrams, or 150 metric tons of medication. I
explained that lower-case mg indicating milligrams would be appropriate in
this case. Dr Weeks responded by saying that it is out of her hands and the
computer people make these decisions. After we finished our drop off at the
lab, I stopped at the front desk and explained the whole MG vs mg thing to
the young woman, who thoroughly understood what I was saying and even made
a phone call to someone (Michelle) who explained that it is the National
Medical something or other (I cannot remember exactly) that decides these
things. I suspect that even if I could find out which entity decides these
matters, they would probably ignore my request to make any changes. Can
anyone cast any light on which national entity decides these matters?
Thanks in advance.
David Pearl www.MetricPioneer.com 503-428-4917

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