On Wednesday, May 28, 2014 20:31:48 Harold_Potsdamer wrote:
> >From the BIPM site, Table 3 & 4 they uses spaces between the unit symbols.
> http://www.bipm.org/en/si/si_brochure/chapter2/2-2/table3.html
> http://www.bipm.org/en/si/si_brochure/chapter2/2-2/table4.html
> Thus:
> K Pa Hz
> This brochure uses a raised dot:
> http://www.spe.org/authors/docs/metric_standard.pdf
> See example page 6 for newton metre.
> This guide:
> http://www.wbdg.org/ccb/VA/VAMETRIC/guide.pdf
> recommends an “x”.  See page 11

It does not use the letter 'x'. It recommends the raised dot, but uses a times 
sign, '×'. To get the times sign, hit the Compose key, then 'x' twice. To get 
the raised dot, hit the Compose key, then '^' and '.' (I think the latter 
combination may behave differently in certain programs, in which case you can 
type '·' in one program and copy and paste it into another).

> I have yet to see a recommendation to use a star (*), can you provide one?

'*' has been used for multiplication in computer languages for decades, since 
neither '×' nor '·' is an ASCII character.

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