My provider of electricity in Champaign County, Illinois, has installed devices 
to measure *remotely* the electrical energy used each month.

My statement for August of 2014 includes the lines:

"Total kWh used (new meter)                       260" and

"Total kWh used (old meter)                             0".

Further, my statement for September is     1460 kWh.

In retrospect, it is obvious to me that my remote-measurement device had failed 
sometime in August of 2014.

My provider installed the "new meter" with no notification in advance to me of 
the failure of the "old meter," or notification of the apparent manual 
"reconstruction" of my "electricity used" in August and September, a spiked 
increase of about 500 kWh!
(My neighbor's bill shows a *reduction* from August to September, an actual 
decrease in cooling needed!)

Is this an example of Evasion, Deception, or Fraud?

Whatever the case, it has stimulated by interest in the question of energy 
contained in gasoline blends and fair marketing of blends.

Eugene Mechtly

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