Dear Paul, 

When did Alabama finally adopt the UPLR amendment? 

And it sounds from your letter like the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the 
US Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Northern Marianas have also 
adopted this amendment. Is this correct? 


----- Original Message -----

From: "Paul Trusten" <> 
To: "U.S. Metric Association" <> 
Sent: Saturday, August 8, 2015 9:34:59 AM 
Subject: [USMA:54800] letter to NYS Governor Andrew Cuomo on UPLR Amendment 

Dear Governor Cuomo, 

(at ) 

I understand that New York State prides itself as being the first state in the 
Nation to adopt the enhanced International Symbol of Access (the so-called 
"handicap symbol") showing a dynamic wheelchair passenger propelling his chair 
forward. Why, then, is your state going to be the LAST state to adopt a 
progressive consumer labeling option on the metric system? 

Since 1999, the model Uniform Packaging and Labeling Regulation (UPLR) has 
provided manufacturers with the choice of showing only metric units on 
non-federally regulated product labels. From that year to the present, 55 out 
of 56 U.S. jurisdictions have adopted this voluntary regulation. ONLY New York 
State has not! Yet, your weights and measures law demands that voluntary and 
orderly conversion to the metric system "is of vital importance to the economy 
of thet state" (Article 16, Sec 176). 

When it adopts the UPLR metric option, New York State stands to go down in U.S. 
history as the state that paved the way for national choice in advancing metric 
measurement. I hope you will urge your officials to make this no-cost option 
available to New Yorkers. I shall certainly urge all New Yorkers to join in 
such support. 


Paul R. Trusten, Registered Pharmacist 
Vice President and Public Relations Director 
U.S. Metric Association, Inc. 
3609 Caldera Boulevard, Apartment 122 
Midland TX 79707-2872 

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