Back in 2015-November, I had sent a note to Caltrans (California Department Of 
Transportation) about adding metric units to signs.  There had been some dual 
unit signs put up back in the 1980s but none since and new distance signs were 
replaced with legacy miles only signs.
I didn't forward this right away due to my being busy with other tasks.  
Anyway, I dug it up and here is their response.
....Parker Willey Jr.San Jose, CA

     ----- Forwarded Message -----
 From: "Howe, Don E@DOT" <don.h...@dot.ca.gov>
 To: "pawil...@pacbell.net" <pawil...@pacbell.net> 
Cc: "Tong, Duper C@DOT" <duper.t...@dot.ca.gov>
 Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2015 2:41 PM
 Subject: FW: Caltrans web feedback page
 <!--#yiv7437808691 .yiv7437808691EmailQuote 
{margin-left:1pt;padding-left:4pt;border-left:#800000 2px solid;}-->To:  Parker 
Willey jr.pawil...@pacbell.net  Dear Mr. Willey: Thank you for your e-mail.  
There have been various efforts to transition to the metric system over the 
years.  The US Department of Transportation is where Caltrans receives a goodly 
majority of its highway funding.  They have the following website 
thatidentifies the Federal Highway Administration's position on going to the 
metric system: 
https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/publications/publicroads/98septoct/metric.cfm  Two key 
sentences from this web article states: "The FHWA Metric Conversion Plan does 
not require changing the legends on highway signs to metric units. In fact, 
FHWA is currently prohibited from nationally mandating sign conversion." 
Therefore, given this prohibition, before we at the California Department of 
Transportation take any other initiatives to approach any changes from going 
from how signs are presented only in English units (foot-pound) towards metric 
units, it is importantto identify that Congress has removed all requirements 
and funding support from this initiative, and we in California are moving 
ahead, especially with signs, using English units. Thank you for your interest 
in this matter. Sincerely, Don HoweChief, Traffic Signs BranchOffice of Traffic 
EngineeringDivision of Traffic Operations, MS 36California Department of 
Transportation(916) 654-2634 * don.h...@dot.ca.gov   -----Original Message-----
From: Tong, Duper C@DOT 
Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2015 1:01 PM
To: Howe, Don E@DOT
Subject: Fw: Caltrans web feedback page Please respond this request. ----- 
Original Message -----From: Web Admin@DOTSent: Wednesday, November 25, 2015 
12:38 PMTo: Tong, Duper C@DOT; Anderson, James R@DOTSubject: FW: Caltrans web 
feedback page Can one of  you route this to the right person for a response?  
Please & thanks. -----Original Message-----From: pawil...@pacbell.net 
[mailto:pawil...@pacbell.net] Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2015 10:40 AMTo: 
Web Admin@DOTSubject: Caltrans web feedback page Below is the result of your 
feedback form.  It was submitted by pawil...@pacbell.net on November 25th, 2015 
at 10:39AM (PST). URL: http://message:                                          
                           2015-11-25 Hi: I have been interested in our country 
moving from legacy measures to the metric system.  I was wondering about 
highway distance signs.  Some distance signs put up in the 1980's showed both 
kilometers and legacy miles as distance to other locations. More recently, new 
distance signs seem to omit kilometers. Can I ask why?  If replacement signs 
show both measures, then they don't have to be replaced when we go metric. Also 
what can be done to expedite the change to modern metric highway signs in 
California and the United States? The United States could greatly reduce the 
trade deficit and barriers to trade by going metric. Thank youHappy 
Thanksgiving...Parker Willey Jr.San Jose, CA email: pawil...@pacbell.net  
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