Hi, everyone,

From reading her other blog entries, the lady is from Colorado State 
University, and is studying at Macquarie University in Sydney. She hasn’t 
mentioned what her subject is, but I’m assuming it’s not science or she would 
be familiar with the metric system.

The original article is here and you can follow links to her other blogs:   

The blog was posted to Reddit’s metric forum and one person commented:
I can understand their absentmindedly not realizing Australia is metric. I am 
stunned at her helplessness when she does realize it. I would have expected her 
education prior to graduation from high school would have taught her enough 
about the metric system to muddle through.

"Study abroad" programs apparently need to do a much better job of alerting 
students that the rest of the world is metric.

Comments on Reddit are here:    

Best wishes from sunny Australia,

Peter Goodyear
USMA mailing list

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