Hello to all the mailing list.

I'm playing around with my X310, as far as I can understand the maximum
ethernet frame size supported by this device is 8000.
(in fact in x300_impl.hpp there is this constant static const size_t
X300_10GE_DATA_FRAME_MAX_SIZE = 8000;).

Because I'm curious I made an attempt and modified this value to 9710
(the maximum MTU size for my linux box) and I put some cout inside the
determine_max_frame_size (in x300_impl.cpp). This function seems to
negotiate the MTU between the X310 and the host.

What I observerd is that if I keep X300_10GE_DATA_FRAME_MAX_SIZE=8000
determine_max_frame_size negotiate the rigth MTU

recv_test_frame_size = 6004 recv_size = 6004
recv_test_frame_size = 7004 recv_size = 7004
recv_test_frame_size = 7504 recv_size = 7504
recv_test_frame_size = 7752 recv_size = 7752
recv_test_frame_size = 7876 recv_size = 7876
recv_test_frame_size = 7940 recv_size = 7940
recv_test_frame_size = 7972 recv_size = 7972
recv_test_frame_size = 7988 recv_size = 7988
recv_test_frame_size = 7996 recv_size = 7996
recv_test_frame_size = 8000 recv_size = 8000

while if I set X300_10GE_DATA_FRAME_MAX_SIZE=9710 when
determine_max_frame_size try to send more than 8912 bytes, happens like
a brick on the X310,
no more ethernet traffic is possible (even ICMP). This sounds really
like somewhere there is a buffer of 8192 bytes in length.

I made also an attempt to modify the MTU parameter on the noc_shell and
axi_wrapper modules without results.

Now I perfectly understand that I want to use the device, let me say,
out of specification, but I want to ask if there is way to have a MTU
larger than 8000.

Thank you in advance for your attention.


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