Hi again,

Some more info that I've gathered in the meantime on the issue:
- the crashes seem more related to the fact that I've been dumping the
retrieved I/Q pairs on file, so we could leave it out for the moment;
- what I did to test whether the FIR is working as expected or not, is to
retrieve its coefficients via the get_filter() function, cast the
filter_info_base pointer to a digital_filter_fir pointer using a
dynamic_pointer_cast, and then invoke the set_taps() function setting all
coefficients to zero. If I re-read immediately the coefficients, they're
all zeros as expected. However, reading them later shows that they're not
zeros anymore. Indeed, given this configuration I should receive an
identically null signal, but the signal seems to be untouched with respect
to the "standard FIR setting".

I could alter the UHD library (or the AD9361 driver) at "low level" to make
it behave as I expect, but I would rather stick with a more gentle approach.
Any idea?
Thanks again!
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